“You’ve made it so easy, even a bear could learn it... ”
We offer every stage of Sanskrit Studies starting with a deep grounding in the Sanskrit Alphabet provided by our easy to follow Home Study programs (Sanskrit by Download/CD, Sanskrit Atlas and Atlas Courses) We make the study of Sanskrit simple and enjoyable. Our programs are supported by free consultation. Nearly all our texts are printed on 100% recycled Environment text and cover stock. We ship using recycled paper and cardboard.
“I find it very well done and above all, it has the incomparable advantage of simplicity and clarity.”
“When I was in grad school I worked at Schoenhof’s foreign books in Cambridge. I was in charge of the books on German, Latin and Greek. I got to know all the teaching materials that were available at that time in those languages and in many others. I have NEVER encountered a course that equals the insight, pedagogical soundness and just plain fun that you bring to Sanskrit. It really is an amazing achievement. ”
A clip from our Sanskrit Calligraphy Instructional DVD