Effortless Focus
Easy Learning (3 hours)
“All this is Brahman” Mandukya Upanishad . . . All life is One. A direct way to access and sustain our unity and wholeness is by learning together. ASI, working with a learning model based on the principles of yoga has been doing this for the last 30 years. Working together with the common purpose of optimal learning, we access an energy and a focus that lifts everyone up and makes learning a joy.
In a 3 hour workshop, you will learn a complete model for Effortless Focus and Easy Learning. It’s the same model we have always used to begin our Weekend 1 Sanskrit Training. Now, for the first time, we’re offering the learning model as a stand-alone course that can be applied to Sanskrit Home Study, or any subject or project. In this course, we will apply the model to learning the foundation of Sanskrit, the 5 mouth positions that define all the letters of the alphabet and organize the Sanskrit language.
We begin with a series of exercises that go to the heart of the inhibition that blocks participation in a group setting. We nurture each individual’s discovery that we all share the same apprehension and anticipation in regard to the moment of “my turn”; the same critical self-judgment or “grading” after one’s turn has passed, and the same compulsion to compare “my performance” with that of others. This shared recognition clears away doubts and establishes trust and a sense of equality.
Given the opportunity to choose a different model with a new language and set of agreements that free you from the anxiety of “getting it right” – no-one ever turns down the offer. We all become partners in a new venture that frees us to learn with the full use of our listening, seeing, understanding and voice – equally invested in the learning of others as in our own.
With new guidelines in place, we embark on a journey of learning based on single-pointed focus and full participation. Our group moves forward in a united harmony of purpose, in which every person has the safety to use “my voice” to clarify anything missed or not understood.
Tuition; $75
Sunday, July 17, 9 am-12 pm, Eastern. (Time zone converter; WorldTimeBuddy)
Email contact: mamamouseyoga@gmail.com