Filtering by: Emily Luther

10:00 AM10:00

The ASI Model: Effortless Focus, Easy Learning (3 hours)

Effortless Focus

Easy Learning (3 hours)

“All this is Brahman” Mandukya Upanishad . . . All life is One. A direct way to access and sustain our unity and wholeness is by learning together. ASI, working with a learning model based on the principles of yoga has been doing this for the last 30 years. Working together with the common purpose of optimal learning, we access an energy and a focus that lifts everyone up and makes learning a joy.

In a 3 hour workshop, you will learn a complete model for Effortless Focus and Easy Learning. It’s the same model we have always used to begin our Weekend 1 Sanskrit Training. Now, for the first time, we’re offering the learning model as a stand-alone course that can be applied to Sanskrit Home Study, or any subject or project. In this course, we will apply the model to learning the foundation of Sanskrit, the 5 mouth positions that define all the letters of the alphabet and organize the Sanskrit language.

We begin with a series of exercises that go to the heart of the inhibition that blocks participation in a group setting. We nurture each individual’s discovery that we all share the same apprehension and anticipation in regard to the moment of “my turn”; the same critical self-judgment or “grading” after one’s turn has passed, and the same compulsion to compare “my performance” with that of others. This shared recognition clears away doubts and establishes trust and a sense of equality.

Given the opportunity to choose a different model with a new language and set of agreements that free you from the anxiety of “getting it right” – no-one ever turns down the offer. We all become partners in a new venture that frees us to learn with the full use of our listening, seeing, understanding and voice – equally invested in the learning of others as in our own.

With new guidelines in place, we embark on a journey of learning based on single-pointed focus and full participation. Our group moves forward in a united harmony of purpose, in which every person has the safety to use “my voice” to clarify anything missed or not understood.

Tuition; $75

Thursday, Aug 4, 10 am-1 pm, Eastern. (Time zone converter; WorldTimeBuddy)

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1:00 PM13:00

Return to Joy: A Yogic Learning Model for Children

Is your child missing the pure joy of learning? Are they feeling anxious, results-driven, or burdened by competition? Are they having trouble focusing when learning?

We help children release trauma around learning by using our time-tested learning method, which is based on the yogic science of the mind. This method allows children to experience the joy of their own capacity for natural learning, uninhibited.

This program will put children back in touch with their natural learning state, which is one of safety, excitement to participate, affirmation, exploration, curiosity, love, and patience.

Children will become fearless learners, knowing there is a way to learn that absolves them of any shame and punishment for “not knowing,” letting them feel empowered, accomplished, and accepted. Children will learn at their own pace, in a supportive and loving environment. Children will receive the added benefit of learning the 5 foundational āsyas of Sanskrit, in case they wish to take on Sanskrit or yoga studies in the future.

Our program is designed for ages 7-12 (ages 13 and up are welcome to join ASI’s adult sessions) interested in using yogic focusing methods to attune their learning abilities, and children who have shown interest in yoga, mindfulness, or Sanskrit.

This workshop can be good for children who have not fit the traditional modes of learning and have experienced trauma or rejection around their learning differences.


  • Totally online immersion

  • Play games, sing songs

  • Discuss their own personal experiences with learning (good and bad)

  • Affirm each other

  • Receive methods for making empowering choices in daily life

  • Have access to ASI faculty in order to participate in more workshops, Q & A, mentoring, and more

Participation is limited to 10 students. Please join us for this adventure for a lifetime!

All sessions are in EST.

Return to Joy, October 1
1 PM - 4 PM daily EST. (Time zone converter; WorldTimeBuddy)

Full rate: $60, sibling rate: $48

Early bird: $45, sibling: $36. Register by September 17, 2022, for the discounted rate(s).

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to Jul 22

Sanskrit for Kids - Online

  • Google Calendar ICS

Many parents are enthusiastic for their children to experience the joy of learning Sanskrit, whether it is an important part of family cultural identity or they want their children to benefit from ASI’s life-changing learning model. Since our model centers on meditative focus, a practice drawn from Patanjali’s yoga sutras, children get to practice a valuable skill that translates into many other parts of their lives.

Learning, speaking, writing, and reading Sanskrit is embodied; it’s a process that naturally opens up parts of the brain that regulate stress, ignites creativity, and inscribes memory. Children typically have a more open way of sensing the world, and thus, when they work with the vibration of sound and breath in the palate, nasal passages, throat, and chest, the knowledge is understood readily and rapidly. This empowering Sanskrit immersion will bring children into deeper awareness of their capabilities and their bodies.

This workshop is delivered entirely online, which enables children to work with peers from all parts of America and the world. We encourage interaction, digital and non-digital participation, movement, and developing quality relationships with ourselves and each other in this setting. The possibilities are endless with this virtual School of Sanskrit immersion!

This summer-camp-style immersion meets daily, about 3 hours per day, with a lunch/snack break. We ask that grown-ups ensure children’s punctual presence for each class so that they can receive all the benefits of the program. We provide a Google Classroom forum, digital files, and a workbook for home study to ensure children’s full participation. At the instructor’s discretion, videos or audio recordings may be shared with children who are absent due to illness or emergency.

Children will need to be in a distraction-free space, preferably with headphones, using a large tablet or computer (not a phone). Children must be able to focus on the computer screen, be uninterrupted, and speak and chant out loud with the group. Sessions are held using Zoom software. A supply list and pdf files will be provided for in-class drawing, writing, and brainstorming practices.

Participation is limited to 10 students. Please join us for this adventure for a lifetime!

All sessions are in EST.

Sanskrit for Kids, July 18 -22
10 AM - 2 PM daily EST. (Time zone converter; WorldTimeBuddy)

Full rate: $225, sibling rate: $180

Early bird: $200, sibling: $160. Register by July 1, 2022, for the discounted rate(s).

Tuition includes a course workbook

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9:00 AM09:00

The ASI Model: Effortless Focus, Easy Learning (3 hours)

Effortless Focus

Easy Learning (3 hours)

“All this is Brahman” Mandukya Upanishad . . . All life is One. A direct way to access and sustain our unity and wholeness is by learning together. ASI, working with a learning model based on the principles of yoga has been doing this for the last 30 years. Working together with the common purpose of optimal learning, we access an energy and a focus that lifts everyone up and makes learning a joy.

In a 3 hour workshop, you will learn a complete model for Effortless Focus and Easy Learning. It’s the same model we have always used to begin our Weekend 1 Sanskrit Training. Now, for the first time, we’re offering the learning model as a stand-alone course that can be applied to Sanskrit Home Study, or any subject or project. In this course, we will apply the model to learning the foundation of Sanskrit, the 5 mouth positions that define all the letters of the alphabet and organize the Sanskrit language.

We begin with a series of exercises that go to the heart of the inhibition that blocks participation in a group setting. We nurture each individual’s discovery that we all share the same apprehension and anticipation in regard to the moment of “my turn”; the same critical self-judgment or “grading” after one’s turn has passed, and the same compulsion to compare “my performance” with that of others. This shared recognition clears away doubts and establishes trust and a sense of equality.

Given the opportunity to choose a different model with a new language and set of agreements that free you from the anxiety of “getting it right” – no-one ever turns down the offer. We all become partners in a new venture that frees us to learn with the full use of our listening, seeing, understanding and voice – equally invested in the learning of others as in our own.

With new guidelines in place, we embark on a journey of learning based on single-pointed focus and full participation. Our group moves forward in a united harmony of purpose, in which every person has the safety to use “my voice” to clarify anything missed or not understood.

Tuition; $75

Sunday, July 17, 9 am-12 pm, Eastern. (Time zone converter; WorldTimeBuddy)

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to Jun 5

Sanskrit Level I - Online

Knowledge of Sanskrit makes it possible to grasp the subtleties of yoga, whose body of teachings are written in Sanskrit. Since ancient times the practice of yoga has included the study of Sanskrit and the chanting of Sanskrit mantras to induce calm and clarity in meditation. Sanskrit is integral to yoga meditation and its pure sounds essential for harmonizing and balancing the mind.

This Sanskrit Training will teach you how to approach the language of yoga as a yoga that is both enjoyable and inspiring. The first step in learning Sanskrit is to develop an intimacy with its sounds; become familiar with their exact location, feeling their force and power, and the unique way they vibrate the palate and engage the breath. Above all, enjoying sound is at the heart of our program.

This training is an educational adventure that will give you a permanent connection to the beauty and energy of Sanskrit as well as a dynamic model of yoga in the classroom that supports a natural and effortless focus.

The ASI learning model and design of this program depend on a unified, collective group experience. This workshop will be delivered online, and participants should be comfortable with this approach. As always, students must be present for the entire class. This means being with the group for up to eight hours each day, taking several breaks throughout. It also means being able to be in a quiet place where one can focus on the lesson without interruption, and speak and chant aloud with the group.

Participation is limited to 12 people. Please join this adventure if you are comfortable with the online format, have a living situation that will support your participation, and are excited to go deep with your studies.

Saturday & Sunday 10 am - 6 pm
Meeting times listed are Eastern Time

Course tuition is $250 per person.

Register by May 21, 2022, for the discounted rate of $185 per person.

For more information or to register, email

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to May 24

Sanskrit for Kids - Eastern Standard Time

Many parents are enthusiastic for their children to experience the joy of learning Sanskrit, whether it is an important part of family cultural identity or they want their children to benefit from ASI’s life-changing learning model. Since our model centers on meditative focus, a practice drawn from Patanjali’s yoga sutras, children get to practice a valuable skill that translates into many other parts of their lives.

Learning, speaking, writing, and reading Sanskrit is embodied; it’s a process that naturally opens up parts of the brain that regulate stress, ignites creativity, and inscribes memory. Children typically have a more open way of sensing the world, and thus, when they work with the vibration of sound and breath in the palate, nasal passages, throat, and chest, the knowledge is understood readily and rapidly. This empowering Sanskrit immersion will bring children into deeper awareness of their capabilities and their bodies.

This workshop is delivered entirely online, which enables children to work with peers from all parts of America and the world. We encourage interaction, digital and non-digital participation, movement, and developing quality relationships with ourselves and each other in this setting. The possibilities are endless with this virtual School of Sanskrit immersion!

The immersion runs over five weeks, with two 90-minute meetings per week. We ask that grown-ups ensure children’s punctual presence for each class so that they can receive all the benefits of the program. We provide a Google Classroom forum, digital files, and a workbook for home study to ensure children’s full participation. At the instructor’s discretion, videos or audio recordings may be shared with children who are absent due to illness or emergency.

Children will need to be in a distraction-free space, preferably with headphones, using a large tablet or computer (not a phone). Children must be able to focus on the computer screen, be uninterrupted, and speak and chant out loud with the group. Sessions are held using Zoom software. A supply list and pdf files will be provided for in-class drawing, writing, and brainstorming practices.

Participation is limited to 10 students. Please join us for this adventure for a lifetime!

All sessions are in EST.

Sanskrit for Kids, April 25, 2022 - May 24, 2022
Monday and Wednesday evenings 6:30 pm-8:00 pm EST

Full rate: $225, sibling rate: $180

Early bird: $200, sibling: $160. Register by Apr 11, 2022, for the discounted rate(s).

Tuition includes a course workbook

Email contact:

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to Apr 10

Sanskrit for Kids - Eastern Standard Time

  • Google Calendar ICS

Many parents are enthusiastic for their children to experience the joy of learning Sanskrit, whether it is an important part of family cultural identity or they want their children to benefit from ASI’s life-changing learning model. Since our model centers on meditative focus, a practice drawn from Patanjali’s yoga sutras, children get to practice a valuable skill that translates into many other parts of their lives.

Learning, speaking, writing, and reading Sanskrit is embodied; it’s a process that naturally opens up parts of the brain that regulate stress, ignites creativity, and inscribes memory. Children typically have a more open way of sensing the world, and thus, when they work with the vibration of sound and breath in the palate, nasal passages, throat, and chest, the knowledge is understood readily and rapidly. This empowering Sanskrit immersion will bring children into deeper awareness of their capabilities and their bodies.

This workshop is delivered entirely online, which enables children to work with peers from all parts of America and the world. We encourage interaction, digital and non-digital participation, movement, and developing quality relationships with ourselves and each other in this setting. The possibilities are endless with this virtual School of Sanskrit immersion!

The immersion runs over five weeks, with two 90-minute meetings per week. We ask that grown-ups ensure children’s punctual presence for each class so that they can receive all the benefits of the program. We provide a Google Classroom forum, digital files, and a workbook for home study to ensure children’s full participation. At the instructor’s discretion, videos or audio recordings may be shared with children who are absent due to illness or emergency.

Children will need to be in a distraction-free space, preferably with headphones, using a large tablet or computer (not a phone). Children must be able to focus on the computer screen, be uninterrupted, and speak and chant out loud with the group. Sessions are held using Zoom software. A supply list and pdf files will be provided for in-class drawing, writing, and brainstorming practices.

Participation is limited to 10 students. Please join us for this adventure for a lifetime!

All sessions are in EST.

Sanskrit for Kids, March 12, 2022 - April 10, 2022
Saturday and Sunday mornings 9:00 am-10:30 am EST

Full rate: $225, sibling rate: $180

Early bird: $200, sibling: $160. Register by Feb 26, 2022, for the discounted rate(s).

Tuition includes a course workbook

Email contact:

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to Feb 5

Sanskrit for Kids - Eastern Standard Time

Many parents are enthusiastic for their children to experience the joy of learning Sanskrit, whether it is an important part of family cultural identity or they want their children to benefit from ASI’s life-changing learning model. Since our model centers on meditative focus, a practice drawn from Patanjali’s yoga sutras, children get to practice a valuable skill that translates into many other parts of their lives.

Learning, speaking, writing, and reading Sanskrit is embodied; it’s a process that naturally opens up parts of the brain that regulate stress, ignites creativity, and inscribes memory. Children typically have a more open way of sensing the world, and thus, when they work with the vibration of sound and breath in the palate, nasal passages, throat, and chest, the knowledge is understood readily and rapidly. This empowering Sanskrit immersion will bring children into deeper awareness of their capabilities and their bodies.

This workshop is delivered entirely online, which enables children to work with peers from all parts of America and the world. We encourage interaction, digital and non-digital participation, movement, and developing quality relationships with ourselves and each other in this setting. The possibilities are endless with this virtual School of Sanskrit immersion!

The immersion runs over five weeks, with two 90-minute meetings per week. We ask that grown-ups ensure children’s punctual presence for each class so that they can receive all the benefits of the program. We provide a Google Classroom forum, digital files, and a workbook for home study to ensure children’s full participation. At the instructor’s discretion, videos or audio recordings may be shared with children who are absent due to illness or emergency.

Children will need to be in a distraction-free space, preferably with headphones, using a large tablet or computer (not a phone). Children must be able to focus on the computer screen, be uninterrupted, and speak and chant out loud with the group. Sessions are held using Zoom software. A supply list and pdf files will be provided for in-class drawing, writing, and brainstorming practices.

Participation is limited to 10 students. Please join us for this adventure for a lifetime!

All sessions are in EST.

Sanskrit for Kids, February 7, 2022 - March 8, 2022
Monday and Tuesday evenings 6:30 pm-8:00 pm EST

Full rate: $225, sibling rate: $180

Early bird: $200, sibling: $160. Register by Jan 24, 2022, for the discounted rate(s).

Tuition includes a course workbook

Email contact:

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to Nov 14

Sanskrit Level I - Eastern Time Zone

Knowledge of Sanskrit makes it possible to grasp the subtleties of yoga, whose body of teachings are written in Sanskrit. Since ancient times the practice of yoga has included the study of Sanskrit and the chanting of Sanskrit mantras to induce calm and clarity in meditation. Sanskrit is integral to yoga meditation and its pure sounds essential for harmonizing and balancing the mind.

 This Sanskrit immersion will teach you how to approach the language of yoga as a yoga practice that is both enjoyable and inspiring. The first step in learning Sanskrit is to develop an intimacy with its sounds, become familiar with their exact location in the palate, feeling their force and power, and learn the unique ways in which they vibrate the palate and engage the breath. Above all, enjoying sound is at the heart of our program.

 You’ll become firmly grounded in proper pronunciation of this ancient language. You’ll learn the alphabet, and you’ll receive the tools you need to explore your favorite sutras and chants in the beautiful script of Sanskrit, Devanāgarī. Finally, you will learn how to combine consonants and vowels to practice reading simple words.

 This training is an educational adventure that will give you a permanent connection to the beauty and energy of Sanskrit as well as a dynamic model of yoga in the classroom that supports a natural and effortless focus.

 The ASI learning model and design of this program, which are drawn directly from the Yoga Sutras, depend on a unified, collective group experience. Because this workshop takes place online, it is important to plan ahead and clear all distractions.  Participants must be present for the full weekend session. You will be with the group online for up to eight hours each day with several scheduled breaks.  We recommend that you establish a quiet place where you can focus on the computer screen, be uninterrupted, use your camera, and speak and chant out loud with the group.  Learning and studying Sanskrit with ASI is a yogic practice of sustained effort and attention.

 Each immersion includes a brief one-on-one orientation with the instructor prior to the session.

 Participation is limited to 12 people. Please join us for this adventure. 

Friday 6 - 8 pm

Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m. – 5 pm

Meeting Times Listed are US Eastern Time

For more information or to register Contact: Emily Workman Luther

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to Jul 18

Sanskrit Level I - Eastern Time Zone

Knowledge of Sanskrit makes it possible to grasp the subtleties of yoga, whose body of teachings are written in Sanskrit. Since ancient times the practice of yoga has included the study of Sanskrit and the chanting of Sanskrit mantras to induce calm and clarity in meditation. Sanskrit is integral to yoga meditation and its pure sounds essential for harmonizing and balancing the mind.

 This Sanskrit immersion will teach you how to approach the language of yoga as a yoga practice that is both enjoyable and inspiring. The first step in learning Sanskrit is to develop an intimacy with its sounds, become familiar with their exact location in the palate, feeling their force and power, and learn the unique ways in which they vibrate the palate and engage the breath. Above all, enjoying sound is at the heart of our program.

 You’ll become firmly grounded in proper pronunciation of this ancient language. You’ll learn the alphabet, and you’ll receive the tools you need to explore your favorite sutras and chants in the beautiful script of Sanskrit, Devanāgarī. Finally, you will learn how to combine consonants and vowels to practice reading simple words.

 This training is an educational adventure that will give you a permanent connection to the beauty and energy of Sanskrit as well as a dynamic model of yoga in the classroom that supports a natural and effortless focus.

 The ASI learning model and design of this program, which are drawn directly from the Yoga Sutras, depend on a unified, collective group experience. Because this workshop takes place online, it is important to plan ahead and clear all distractions.  Participants must be present for the full weekend session. You will be with the group online for up to eight hours each day with several scheduled breaks.  We recommend that you establish a quiet place where you can focus on the computer screen, be uninterrupted, use your camera, and speak and chant out loud with the group.  Learning and studying Sanskrit with ASI is a yogic practice of sustained effort and attention.

 Each immersion includes a brief one-on-one orientation with the instructor prior to the session.

 Participation is limited to 12 people. Please join us for this adventure. 

Friday 6 - 8 pm

Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m. – 5 pm

Meeting Times Listed are US Eastern Time

For more information or to register Contact: Emily Workman Luther

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