Sanskrit Atlas

Sanskrit Atlas
Sanskrit Atlas with Courses
By Vyaas Houston, M.A., Director of ASI
Our New Desktop Atlas
Same text and tabs in a lighter more compact 14x9 size
deluxe Soft Touch Black cover
easy-flip twin loop binding
Lies flat on your desktop
Through beautiful and logical language maps, the Sanskrit Atlas can give you, in a matter of months, a grasp of Sanskrit that was never before possible, even with years of study. This system, as a follow-up to our Immersion Courses, or in combination with Sanskrit by CD, will rapidly expand your grasp of Sanskrit.
With the stunning visuals of Sanskrit Atlas 1.0, the whole of the working grammar is laid out in a way that has never been seen before:
43 large format color pages
33 color-coded tab dividers covering everything from sandhi to compounds
The Sanskrit Atlas maps all the essentials of Sanskrit through a color tab system that helps you to quickly find any element of grammar from noun or verb endings to sandhi-the blending of sounds, prefixes, compounds, and indeclineables. Every time you see a detail, it's in the context of a map or overview. Seeing the same details in the same place again and again creates an intimate knowledge of the essentials and gradual familiarity with the fine points.
It is suggested that you also get the Atlas Tour download. The download takes you on an informative tour of all 33 Tab sections of the Sanskrit Atlas while at the same time giving you a useful overview of the entire working grammar of Sanskrit.