DNLD_Sanskrit By Download Interactive and Sanskrit Atlas with 1 Atlas Course Download, and SHIP ONLY: Large Atlas *

DNLD_Sanskrit By Download Interactive and Sanskrit Atlas with 1 Atlas Course Download, and SHIP ONLY: Large Atlas *
Sanskrit by Download Interactive and New Sanskrit Atlas with home study course-download
Own both of ASI's premier home learning tools, Sanskrit by CD (Parts I and II) and the Sanskrit Atlas, new second edition. Package comes with a home study course - choose your topic - and is discounted to $349 when these beautiful and effective materials are purchased together. Download will be sent within 24 hours.
It is suggested that you also get the Atlas Tour download. The download takes you on an informative tour of all 33 Tab sections of the Sanskrit Atlas while at the same time giving you a useful overview of the entire working grammar of Sanskrit.
Available Course:
Bhagavad Gita
Yoga Sutras
Panini's Ashtadhyayi
Nouns Declensions
Verb Conjugations
Mandukya Upanishad
When you click the Add to Cart button, you will be prompted for your email and Atlas Course requested.