SPECIAL Plus (Sanskrit by CD, Large Sanskrit Atlas, Atlas Tour CD, 1 Atlas Course, Plus Sanskrit by Download Interactive DNLD) * (*)

SPECIAL Plus (Sanskrit by CD, Large Sanskrit Atlas, Atlas Tour CD, 1 Atlas Course, Plus Sanskrit by Download Interactive DNLD) * (*)
DNLD = Full Downloadable Sanskrit by Download Interactive (a download link will be emailed to you). The download link for your Atlas Course will also be emailed to you.
Sanskrit by CD and Atlas with the home study course. Includes Atlas Tour CD.
This package includes both hard copy (Sanskrit by CD) and downloadable versions of Sanskrit by Download Integrative for use on your laptop when you're on the road.
Own both of ASI's premier home learning tools, Sanskrit by CD (Parts I and II) and the Sanskrit Atlas, new second edition. Package comes with a home study course - choose your topic - and is discounted to $525 when these beautiful and effective materials are purchased together.
The Sanskrit by CD text is a beautiful wire-bound edition with full-page color tab dividers - with a sturdy duplex cover, all printed on 100% recycled Environment paper.
Available Course:
Bhagavad Gita
Yoga Sutras
Panini's Ashtadhyayi
Nouns Declensions
Verb Conjugations
Mandukya Upanishad