SPECIAL – Sanskrit by CD and Atlas with 1 Atlas Course (*)

SPECIAL – Sanskrit by CD and Atlas with 1 Atlas Course (*)
Sanskrit by CD and Atlas with one Atlas Course
Own both of ASI's premier home learning tools, Sanskrit by CD (Parts I and II) and the Sanskrit Atlas, new second edition. The package comes with 1 Atlas Course - choose one of 7 below - and is discounted to $475 when these beautiful and effective materials are purchased together.
The Sanskrit by CD text is a beautiful wire-bound edition with full-page color tab dividers - with a sturdy duplex cover, all printed on 100% recycled Environment paper.
Includes Our New Desktop Atlas
Same text and tabs in a lighter more compact 14x9 size
deluxe Soft Touch Black cover
easy-flip twin loop binding
Lies flat on your desktop
Atlas Tour CD
Available Courses:
Bhagavad Gita
Yoga Sutras
Panini's Ashtadhyayi
Nouns Declensions
Verb Conjugations
Mandukya Upanishad